Get Rid of the things that block you from fully enjoying life!




“The most important relationship is within, from this place of self love, you are able to have more joyful relationships”


SHINE is Deana’s signature mentoring program ✨. Shine is a 16 week journey that includes a session every 2 weeks. A simple format is fallowed and you have actions that you do when you are not in session. The 3 main parts are receiving, discovering and shining. This program is meant to challenge you to be your best self. This is not a fad diet or a quick emotional fix. This is a journey of discovery of how you can feel and be your best self!!! 🌼 Most importantly, how to discern the difference between compromise and compromising your soul. Most people that come to me are ready to feel better! I believe we must consider our whole selves when it comes to health and happiness.

* 8 (60-85 minutes) in person sessions. Mentoring & Coaching for the mind, body and spirit. With or without Shamanic energy work * 4 (30 minute zoom check in sessions) Motivation, Questions & Clarification *The Shine packet (tangible item so it is easier for you) This includes notes from the program with directions for home) Investment $1100 Unsure?, call to set up a free 15 minute meeting to see if this is right for you)

Without the package, Individual sessions $100 💚